Army life.
They say things are always changing and you never know what's going to happen next. (John likes to point out that we have no idea where we'll be two years from now.)
The latest example of this is that there will NO LONGER be a Holiday Ball!
I won't be able to look fantastic in my bee-yoo-ti-ful dress!
Ah, but I will have way more time to work off aforementioned back fat.
Instead, they are having a holiday party on post, complete with ugly sweater contest. Sooo, I'm thinking it's safe to say that it's more casual than the dress code.
(As an aside, I do very much realize that *this* small change of events is a 1 on the scale of 1-10 of inconveniences that Army life can provide, and is in no way meant to be a valid complaint. I do, after all, still get to sleep next to my husband for a while in the foreseeable future.)
I just kind of wanted to wear that dress. Oh well. There is always the Army ball in June. That one never gets cancelled!
Another cool perk they are offering this week is free family portraits for Active Duty Members. I think John and I are going to have our picture taken this week. Yay!
You can carry on with your day now.
woot for perks! hopefully there'll be another opportunity soon to wear the cute dress :)