Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Fa La La La La Laaa, La La La Laaaaaa

10 days until Christmas!

Today I am wrapping presents and shipping gifts.  I'm also dumping (OK, "placing") the Christmas cards in the mail.  Don't get all excited, they're pretty generic standard picture cards.  But they have a wedding pic on them which makes them BE-YOO-TI-FUL!  teehee.  I'm also pretty sure I'm done shopping.

So, after today, we concentrate on the making-tasty-goodies portion of our holiday season.  We have decided to drive to my folks house in Colorado.  Essentially, we stopped looking at airfare.  This is how I determined we decided to drive.  John has been using his time researching living in Alaska instead.  From past experience, I would tell you this means that we are NOT moving there.  Because whatever John thinks is going to happen, does NOT happen.
But that's just from past experience.  The Army is full of surprises.

Back to treats!

I am making:

English Toffee
Graham cracker toffee
Caramel corn (which, using the same basic ingredients of butter and sugar, tastes like toffee...on popcorn)

(do you see a pattern here?)

Shortbread.  For my dad.  My grandma always makes shortbread for him, but she doesn't bake much anymore.  Her balance is not good.  If she happens to make him some, I'm sure he will appreciate getting even more.
If I don't screw it up that is.
How can I screw it up though?  It's butter, sugar and flour.

(I went out and bought 4 lbs of butter this baking season.)

Almond bark covered pretzels.
And, because I decided we needed chocolate, I'm making PWs life by chocolate cupcakes.  They have a kiss in the middle of them.  I'm going to put a cherry cordial kiss inside.

My aunt is making snowballs.

If I decide we don't have enough sweets, I may make yet another batch of mint chocolate chip cookies.
They're Christmas-y.

But we really should have enough.

And we'll all be SUPA FAT by the time we return from CO!

Fa La La La La Laaaa, La La La LAAAAAAAAAA!!!


  1. It SO doesnt feel like almost Christmas. 8 days now, I think. Weird.

    Perhaps if I had delicious seasonal baked goods?
