Monday, March 7, 2011

So now we know.

After months of not knowing what the next step was for us, we finally have it.

The next step.

All the way across the Atlantic!

In an entirely different country!

We are (at this point) going to Vilseck, Germany!

This is where we will be.  This image was taken off the Vilseck HS's web page, believe it or not.
I know, you're saying "what do you mean 'at this point?'"  Well, orders can get changed last minute due to not getting all your paperwork ducks in a row, or due to the Army just plain changing it's mind. But, that said, we'll probably get it all together just fine as we don't have many issues.

So, now, everything is going through my mind.

I mean, everything.

What to pack?  What to store?  Where to work?  When to have kids?  How often will we come back to the states?  Will we see my parents much?  Will we come home for any Christmases?  Do they have Mexican food in Germany?  (We're not far from Italy, so I'm excited about "real" Italian food.)  Will we be able to get ingredients to make all of our favorite dishes?  Will we want to live off post or on post?  How rural is rural Germany?  Should we sell my car?  How will Otis fare the trip over?  How much brand name make up and beauty supplies should I stock up on?  Should we get another GPS?  When should I end my cell phone contract?  What number should we get magic jack through?  Will I get to see my brother and SIL and the twins before we leave?  How much German should I be learning before we leave?  How much time do I have to learn how our fancy schmancy camera works?

But now we know.  And we can start to prepare.

As we will be there in FOUR MONTHS.

I'm sure I'll have lots to say about the whole process of PCSing as well.  John said he's going to make me do all of it now so I have experience as I may have to do it all by myself at some point.


  1. I am already looking forward to all of your fascinating blog posts from Germany :) so excited for you guys. so much to take care of! good thing you're even more organized than me ;)

  2. Oldest step daughter was born (and conceived) there. Husband also had cancer there. It's all good. You will be fine. We are staying at Campbell. Housing called last week. Yikes! I now have a place to visit!!! :) Hooray!

  3. This is all so exciting! I agree with Sarah as to blog postings - it'll be great reads, as usual!

    You have a lot to take care of, but it'll be a fun and informative process. Oh - and learning German isn't too hard. I took two years, Dad still speaks some, you'll do great!
