The cool thing? I ran into John's boss (for all intents and purposes) there waiting for his appointment. I knew he went there, but I wasn't sure how often. I think it's cool he realizes the value of care. We need WAY more of that in the military to make a push to have it available everywhere.
I called to him. "Col ___!" (anonymity. and all that.)
And there it was. The deer-in-the-headlights look. Of course I knew him and had met him and hear about him frequently when John comes home from work. But he has met me once. Maybe twice. I realize this is common. That being said, why can't I prepare to introduce myself properly? Why??
He stood up, I shook his hand, and I'm pretty sure I said "I'm John's wife". (I included our last name.)
I failed to tell him what John's wife's first name is. I think he knew somewhere that John has a wife and her name is Jen as I know he speaks about me at work...it was just putting it together.
But I at least could have slipped in my own name!
I used to be a PRO at introducing myself! (and really? how hard is it for crying out loud?) I had to do it constantly in practice when networking and speaking to patients who I hadn't yet met.
And this is the disconnect. For when I moved on post, I noticed immediately when trying to get things done (car sticker, gym membership) that nobody cared what *my* name was. They needed John's name to process anything.
I guess this thinking has bled into re-introducing myself to other people too.
All semi-embarrassment aside, we continued to chat. We talked about chiropractic and how wonderful it is and how he really likes the conservative route of care to handle his issues. He asked if I was excited to go to Germany and talked about how his wife (who I actually know a lot better and who knows my name as we are on the Steering Committee together) is fluent in German and how they are trying to be stationed there again. He mentioned that he has been sending the new commander-to-be in Germany info about John and his skills.
I tell ya, hard work pays off. So does networking. As long as they know your name.
John ______'s wife works. Always attached to him. I usually mix up the ranks. Like it's not in my head enough to know that someone is SSGT or a LTC or a COL or a MAJ unless it's written, I can't figure out the damn patches to save my life. I'll get better. Then again...no one will probably ever know my first name...I'll only most likely be known as 1SG B's wife or Mrs. B. It's all good...but I so feel your pain...and understand the fun of exploring.