Saturday, July 16, 2011


I'm just a little discombobulated at the moment.  Jet lag will get ya.

I thought I had it nipped, but then we slept until 11 am without blinking an eye...after being up from 2-5 am, of course.

So, in an effort to not fall asleep this afternoon, I'll do a quick bulleted post then go for a walk.

First, quickly, blogger is wanting to spell check my entire post with German words.
That won't be very helpful in the future.

-we have been redirected to Vilseck!  Apparently, they figured out that John was more senior to another dude, and they switched him to Heidelberg.  I believe we actually met him at the airport.  He thought he was going to Vilseck, but hadn't checked his AKO account in 2 weeks.  Considering this happened 10 days ago, it was missed.  Funny - John was checking his AKO every morning as early as possible to be able to be in the know with all the updates.
Being notified 8 days before we flew that we were being diverted - again - was adventurous.  We still need to contact the transportation office to let them know to re-redirect our HHG and car back to Vilseck/Graf area. We didn't get amended orders until we landed in Frankfurt.

-the flight was good.  We didn't get upgraded, but we were near the front of the plane.  Well, the front of economy class.  Near the door.  We also had to pay baggage fees.  (we will get reimbursed since we were flying on orders.)  However, Lufthansa provides wine with dinner.  Free wine!  We each had three glasses.  Now that I have been freaking parched for 2 days, I'm not sure it was the best choice, no matter the level of relaxation it provided.  I cannot get enough water!  I was in an aisle seat and John sat across the aisle.  There was no one sitting next to either of us, so we had some room to put things.  In the window seat next to me, sat a quiet man with the biggest 'fro I have ever seen.  The curls in his long hair sat about 4 inches off his head.  I'm pretty sure I would have been jealous of that hair if it were longer.  It had so much body!  My only gripe was that he refused to open his window when we landed and was sleeping instead.  I was getting a bit airsick because I could feel the plane banking, but could not orient myself with the ground.  I had to rely on other windows.  It's not really the same.

-Customs was easy and quick.  We had no issues getting Otis.  He was not happy and yowling when I picked him up.  He calmed down when he could get out of his carrier and eat and pee.  He's even happier now that he doesn't have to wear a collar.  I also think he's bored hold up in this hotel room.  Hopefully we're out before the 30 days.

-We have lots of in-processing to do.

-And language learning.

-We have a smallish but efficient hotel room with a microwave and mini fridge.

-I have taken a few pictures.  But John's computer doesn't read my card.  And I believe I packed the transfer cord.

-It doesn't feel like we live here.  It feels like we are on vacation.  I kept dreading the return flight while on the incoming flight.  Then I remembered that that flight won't occur for a good long while.  It also doesn't seem like 2 days since we left.  It seems like we've been here a total of 8 hours.

And yet, I'm definitely ready to find a house.  And receive my car!  So much to do, so much to do....

1 comment:

  1. I always get that feeling whenever I move, too - I can only imagine what it would feel like to move across the world :) hope you're able to get settled soon.
