Tuesday, October 4, 2011


I am full of random thoughts today.  Randomness abounds.

I'm just not sure if I can remember it all now that I'm attempting to document it....

- my new road game on the 45 minute drive to Grafenwoehr is "German or American".  I passed multiple military vehicles this morning, many of which were involved in 3 separate convoys.  I decided 2 were German Army and one was American.  (I *knew* one was American with the humvees and all.)

- on that same note, I get a kick when I'm driving on Graf and the Apaches are flying low.  I always slide back my sunroof cover when I hear "FWOP FWOP FWOP FWOP FWOP".  (I'm not sure if this is the exact sound a helicopter makes.  But I think I'm pretty close.)

-I'm overwhelmed at the amount of different Polish Pottery patterns there are.  How will I ever decide what to get?

- I had another job interview this morning.  I'm not certain, but when your interviewer starts chiming in with other ideas of what you could do with your education that have nothing to do with the job you are discussing, it's probably a bad sign.  My best hope is to still be the best candidate.  Other than that small detail, I thought it went well.  I should hear something by Friday.  Again.

- I'm entirely too sleepy today.  I went and bought gingerbread latte coffee creamer today.  Then I forgot to make coffee when I got home.

- on that note, I've been so distracted with this job search that last night I nearly burned the broccoli *and* ruined my small Pampered Chef sauce pan at the same time!  I was steaming aforementioned broccoli.  Except that I forgot to add the water.

- I was distracted because I heard through the grapevine after the FRG steering committee meeting that Vilseck hired a new chiropractor.  They never listed the job.  They transferred him in from Ft. Carson.  John heard he was retired.

- I was super bummed at this news.

- I was also super bummed at how I heard this news.  My mind is conjuring up a passive aggressive news transfer situation through another spouse.  But I may be making it up too.  Sometimes my mind embellishes small details.

-On the plus side, I volunteered to be the RSS/2SCR Squadron level Treasurer in aid to the FRGs at the Troop level.  It shouldn't be too time intensive, yet requires responsibility!  My kind of job!

- I'm dehydated.

- I also ordered more Isagenix materials in effort to battle my bulge.  I gained weight after the wedding, but this is getting ridiculous.  Other efforts including eating less, and moving more.

- I impulse shopped at the PX today.  I bought a pretty new journal and a new calendar, even though the one I'm using works just fine.  The one I bought is just prettier.

- I also picked up a phone adapter.  We have a phone and a connection to the states!

- Otis is snoring.  He is getting fat.

- I have sincere gratitude for all of the above thoughts and issues.  For I am about to start making a yummy stroganoff and not everyone can say that.

1 comment:

  1. Oh man that would be so frustrating to hear (about the possibly hired DC).

    Good to hear the other stuff though :) Sounds like you're getting settled. I am totally lusting after Polish pottery too now, after seeing the gorgeous stuff you posted to Pinterest. LOVE blue & white.
