All I can say is:
We have some mighty talented ladies who craft here on post. Check out my goods:
Quilted Christmas runner! LOVE these fabrics, and it's so so pretty! |
Crocheted hand band to keep my ears warm during the winter! I saw a knitting pattern for something similar on pinterest and kept it as a reference. I still may knit myself another one. But I am working on a scarf and then I may get to a hat for John. At that rate, I would not knit the headband before winter was over! So I bought one. the flower is on a clip and can be moved/removed. And it matches 3 of my coats! |
This is a pretty bag sewed by a chicky who also makes blankets. I just thought the outside was cute. The "Always Ready" refers to the Squadron motto of "Tourjours Pret" which means "Always Ready." I also like the fabric. It's like "butterfly camo"; Army, yet not totally Army. It was wrapped in a sealed plastic bag, so I didn't even see the inside until I opened it up... |
How cute it that??? Now I just have to decide what to put inside of it. I was considering it as a back up make up bag, but no way I am getting make up on/in it now! Maybe it will be an iPod case...I always get my cords tangled around everything. Even though the size of this case would hold about 4 iPods. Oh well, I'll think of something. |
I also saw a recipe on pinterest to make your bath salts. This gal did this. I could always make my own as well - just with Himalayan salt, Epsom salts, and scents. But her special scent blend is what sold me. This is "Eden". It's so wonderful. It made a wonderful bath this morning.
So this is what I did yesterday. Along with making the Sprinkles brand cupcake mix (red velvet with cream cheese frosting) and giving the government lots of information on my past as part of a security check. Today is a laundry/relax kind of day. Tomorrow, I will most likely clean the house and prepare myself to see what else is needed before I can start working.
That's right. Working. At my job. That I procured just this past week!
It's been a long week. It was also full of senior spouse luncheons and networking and getting to know other senior spouses. Fancy luncheons intimidate me, but this one was not too shabby. It would be easy to get caught up in the hubbub though. Being a military spouse sometimes involves hubbub.
In case you didn't know.
Off to relax more. And maybe have (another) cupcake.
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