Saturday, March 19, 2011

Otis update

Otis has fully settled in.  He enjoys sleeping in John's office chair, or in his pet bed on my desk.  He also really REALLY enjoys food.  Cat food, people food, it really doesn't matter.  He inhales his cat food and makes himself out to be a starving cat an hour later.  He likes yogurt, cream, ice cream (of course), but also like tomato sauce, ketchup, honey mustard, bacon, eggs, syrup, and chicken.  And steak.  

Not that we feed him mass quantities of any of that.  He just gets sniffs or maybe a finger swipe through the leftovers to see what he'll eat.

Turns out, it's quite a bit.

Kitty feet!

 He is here a lot.  He likes to be with his family.

Other likes:
playing in the folds of the covers
biting my hair
jingle toys
cat nip
the printer (when printing.  he's fascinated by it.  after it's done printing, he sticks his paw into the space where the paper comes out, as if he's trying to figure it out)
open windows
birds at the bird feeder
his scratching post
chasing lasers
chasing feathers
chasing anything else that will dart away from him

having to wait to be fed.  (he will "chirp" at us as early as 5:30 am to get us to get up and feed him as well as purposefully misbehave when he wants to point our attention to the fact that he needs to be fed)
the shredder
the vacuum (takes off the minute it comes out of the coat closet)
a dirty litter box
when his felted mice toys get stuck under the furniture
having his claws clipped

Such a poser!

He REALLY liked when I had the window open the other day.  (I was baking like a mad woman for the FRG bake sale and it was getting bit warm in the house)  He was so content to watch chipmunks, squirrels and birds scurry around outside, and sniff these new outdoor smells.

 We even put the chair by the window so he could sit on it and watch all he wanted.

But he preferred to stand.  Maybe he thought he was being sneakier. He thought he would observe those critters outside and then he would sneak up on them.

I think he fancies himself a sneaky little thing.  But after all, we do call him Ninja Cat.  It may have gone to his head.

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