Friday, March 25, 2011


So, I had a mini breakdown today.  This not working thing has it's ups and downs.  For one, it drives me CRAZY to have to ask John for money to pay my bills.  I would feel my time would be well spent using my skills creatively and productively.  And being paid for those skills.

(For the record I know we are married and I gave up my practice to be with him and it's not unreasonable to have financial support from him.  However.  I would rather be able to contribute something.  I'm sure I will feel like I'm contributing more when I'm creating small humans in my uterus.)

SO I started researching opportunities in Germany, as a chiropractor and as a general worker.  I know that Vilseck has a chiropractic clinic, but I'm not holding my breath on getting a position on post as a DC. I'm pretty sure that the positions there are filled and being blissfully held by docs that get to live in Europe and treat American soldiers.  But I shall see when I get there.  As of yet, there are no job postings for a chiro anywhere.
I found out that there are NO regulations on chiropractors there. They take a general medical exam and are "lay practitioners" called "Heilpraktikers". This exam isn't easy, but it's not the training that DCs here in the States receive.  Also MDs can take a 380 hour continuing ed course in "chirotherapies" and call themselves ... you guessed it, "Chirotherapists."

The bottom line is I'm still not quite sure on my options based on my in good standing Colorado chiropractic license, my degree from a CCE approved educational facility, or my passing National Board scores.  I have read on a general ex-pat site that I would need a work visa.  But, as a military spouse, I fall under the SOFA agreement.

I don't know what that means yet.  OK, I have a general understanding of the SOFA agreement, but I'm not fully aware of how it applies to my profession as I have a specialty education.

In my research, I have also found blogs.  Numerous numerous blogs from seasoned Army wives living OCONUS.

(that's Outside CONtinental United States to you civilian folk)

This one is great and she has a post about the cultural differences found when living in Germany.

So this is what I have to look forward to!  Can't wait!



  1. No advice (never lived OCONUS) but I just wanted to wish you luck. I just finished my graduate degree and we now live in an area with very limited opportunities in my field. It seems to be a common theme among us military folk. I can't wait to read more about much more interesting than Ft. Sill, OK!


  2. Thanks for stopping by Karen! Love your blog...I will be looking forward to seeing how you decorate the new place.

  3. Thanks for stopping by my blog and offering your kind words! I really appreciate the support I get from the blog world! I know I'll be ok - I just have to get into a routine :)

  4. see? you already knew to do that. you'll be great. :) the blog world can also be a great distraction!
